Friday, June 12, 2009

A Vote for Polygamy

T made a random comment today: "I wish boys could marry boys."

What do you do with a comment like that - it was really random and I'm still not sure why it came up. I just said, "really? Why?" His response was REALLY cute.

"Well, if we had two dads and one mom then one of the dads could go to work, the mom could do Mary Kay and the other dad could stay home and take care of the kids."

He's got it all figured out! He wants somebody really fun to be at home to play with him while Mom cleans, cooks and does Mary Kay! :) Are there male maids available? Maybe that would satisfy him.

Matt came in on the giggling a little bit later and we shared our humorous moment with him. He suggested it might work out better with two moms. . . not two dads. What's up with that?

Actually, I think I wouldn't mind polygamy . . . as long as I got to pick the second wife. I know there would be some issues to deal with and obviously there would be "women moments" when we wouldn't get along, but thinking about how much work we would get done makes me smile. :) We could even take turns - my day to clean, your day to play. It could work. I can think of a dozen of my friends that I would like to spend more time with. (I just wonder if they would still be my friends if they knew who they were and that I might be conspiring polygamy for them!)

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to live with friends and share child care! However, I would have problems with them sleeping with my husband.
